A Total TaiTai Tale

Tale of a Total TaiTai who was in Beijing & Beyond and is now in Singapore & Surroundings!



Contrary to other Lunch & Dine group I’ve heard about in Beijing (named after very expensive estrogen egg and bubbly from France!) there is no voting (ie possible vetoing) in our group. No two meetings than we decide if you are worthy of our friendship. We welcome everyone who likes good food and don’t take themselves too seriously (if they laugh at my jokes even better!)

But if you know the manager of great restaurant that shower us with desserts that might help.

Annabel you are in ;-).



The initial 3 Angels were supposed to go out with their Charlie’s last night.

Their Charlies bailed out (something to do about last minute work commitments??!!)

But they don’t need them, after all they are Angels.

Temple restaurant is one of our favorite restaurant in Beijing and they just opened a second location, more relaxed, called TRB Bites. It took over the place of another restaurant we liked called the Courtyard (then Brian McKenna @the Courtyard). The restaurant is overlooking the forbidden city so always a great choice to impress visiting guests. (And of course I didn’t take a picture of the view to show you 😦 )