A Total TaiTai Tale

Tale of a Total TaiTai who was in Beijing & Beyond and is now in Singapore & Surroundings!



Photographers looking at photographies.



Peter Fischli and David Weiss – Visible World

Three thousand photographs displayed on a ninety-foot-long light table.



Festival de la photographie d’Arles.

Annie Leibovitz – The Early Year



Les Arènes d’Arles – Arles amphitheater.

Built in 90 AD, the amphitheatre was capable of seating over 20,000 spectators, and was built to provide entertainment in the form of chariot races and bloody hand-to-hand battles. Today, it draws large crowds for bullfighting during the Feria d’Arles[1] as well as plays and concerts in summer.



Next stop Arles.

The photography festival currently taking place might have had a pull 😉